August 6 - October 30
We have one opening with the younger group (preschool - grade 2) and one opening with the older group (grades 3 - 6).
Sunday School is during the Worship hour. We have two classes. One group is preschoolers through second grade and the other is third grade through sixth graders. Both groups are small, with less than 10 students in each group.
We would like to have eight teaching teams. Four teams for the younger class and four groups for the older class. Each team is comprised of two leaders.
Each team is responsible for one Sunday each month. Each team is assigned the same Sunday each month (first week of every month, second week of every month, etc.) This allows everyone the opportunity to attend worship most of the month. Obviously there may be months where you need to switch weeks with someone.
Curriculum is provided and is easy to follow.
Please let Marlene know if this is something you would be interested in. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have.