Event Details

In Case of Fire

July 28

A church fire is one of the biggest tragedies that can occur in a community. To further insure the safety or our congregation, we will conduct fire drills twice a year on Sundays here at St. Paul's.
While we are in Fellowship Hall for the summer, there are two ways to exit. One is through the doors into the Library. The other is in the rear of Fellowship Hall, but requires going down steps.

When we return to the Sanctuary:
Facing the altar, the congregation seated on the left will exit through the side doors through the rear of the church to the portico and gather in the cemetery between the church and Weavertown Road.

Those seated on the right, will exit through the narthex doors (Old Airport Road side) and gather on the grass in front of the entrance to the chapel.

Those who have difficulty with steps, may exit the side door to the right of the altar that leads to the ramp. A wheelchair is available by the door.

The choir will have the option to exit whichever doors are least crowded.

Sunday School and Nursery children will exit through the rear doors of the Sunday School building (Route 662 side) and assemble in the cemetery.

Parents should exit the church according to the instructions above before going to the cemetery to reunite with their children.

We ask that the congregation assist people as they exit the church and to make sure everyone leaves the church.

We ask that you proceed across the driveways to the grassy areas as stated above. This will leave the driveways clear for fire engines.

Our goal is to have everyone out within 90 seconds. Thank you for your cooperation.