Event Details

Disaster Relief Work Volunteers Needed

September 21

Volunteers are needed to help our neighbors in the Anteitam area recover after damage from flooding in July 2023. You can help as long or a little as you wish.
We are looking for volunteers with general construction skills and those willing to learn ages 16 and up.

The work is mostly in a mobile home park cleaning out damaged insulation and replacing the skirting around the bottom of the mobile home. There is also a lot of general clean up work and removing debris from under and around trailers so you can join us no matter what your skills are.

Bring a packed lunch and drinks for yourself. Wear long pants and bring bug spray, sanitizer, and gloves with you.

Registration is required: contact Sharon Sgriccia at berksrecoveryvolunteers@gmail.com to register or for more information.

You may also contact Martha Sitler, Marsha Pingitore, or Alan Ross for more information.