March 23 - September 7
During Pastor Steven's upcoming sabbatical, we are fortunate to have the presence of several retired ordained pastors who will be available as needed throughout the summer.
Pastor Debbie Derby recently retired after 40 years at Trinity UCC in Mt. Penn where she served as an associate pastor for 25 years and then as solo pastor for 15. Debbie is a native of Summit Hill, PA, a graduate of Panther Valley High School, the University of Pennsylvania, and Lancaster Theological Seminary.
Debbie felt the call to ministry at age 12 and never really considered another profession. She is a gifted musician, enjoys reading and gardening - although a leg injury has kept her from that recently. She loves people and has embraced her ministry with the church and in the wider community.
Pastor Steven has asked Rev. Derby to preach and lead worship at St. Paul's on June 2 - the first Sunday he will be away, August 4 - summer communion Sunday, and on September 1 - the last Sunday before his return. Pastor Debbie will also be available throughout the summer for pastoral counseling, hospital visits and funeral services, if needed.
In addition, Rev. Karl Jones, UCC Disaster Response Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, lives in Douglassville and has offered his services as well. Additionally, Rev. Karen Nuscher-Creasy, also a retired UCC pastor, is now a member of our congregation.
The elders and deacons of St. Paul's are also committed to helping with worship, visiting hospitalized members, or talking with anyone experiencing a crisis or needing help. While not ordained, all church members are called to be pastors, caring for others.
We sincerely hope that Pastor Steven is able to find rest and renewal during his time of sabbatical. And with all the support in place, he can be assured that his flock at St. Paul's will be well cared for during his time away.
If you have concerns or questions about the pastor's time for renewal, please speak with a member of the Sabbatical Committee. Members of the Committee are Pastor Steven, Alan Ross, Marlene Dadey, Martha Sitler, Brenda Haas, and Judy Leister (chair).
Sabbatical: Rooted in Biblical commands for Sabbath, a sabbatical is a significant time of rest, renewal and refreshment for pastors. For pastors, the sabbatical is time to nourish their relationship with God, recommit to their call, and provide renewed vision and focus for ministry. A sabbatical is not a vacation, but it does provide time away from the daily work of ministry. Sabbatical leave may include study or a project, but its first goal is reconnecting with one's sense of vocation through rest, reflection, and prayer. - from A Sure Foundation at