Event Details

Veterans' Drop Box

July 13 - December 31

Hello parishioners of St. Paul's UCC! My name is Nolan Varian and I am an Eagle Scout candidate in Troop 597. My project was to spread awareness in our community about homeless veterans. I held a clothing and food drive with help from my Troop. We built four large boxes for year-round donations. I had the honor of getting permission from St. Paul’s Consistory to place one of these boxes by the front entrance. The box will be checked weekly and the list of items needed by homeless veterans will be updated seasonally. It is my vision to make our community stronger by giving back to the brave men and women who would have sacrificed their lives for it. Thank you for allowing Troop 597 to use your church, as this would not have been possible without your support. God bless America and her people. -Nolan Varian, Junior Assistant Scout Master, Troop 597